Novel Track

How it works

Novel groups usually meet at least once a month, either independently or as part of a larger Novel Track get-together. 

Typically, one or two people in the group submit a chapter or section of their novel in advance of the meeting, and the rest of the group provides feedback during the meeting itself, similar to our regular meeting format but with a longer scope. There are groups that operate with different methods as well (such as providing feedback on completed drafts or on outlines). Depending on where you are in your drafting process, you should be able to find a group that can help.

How to join

To be eligible to join the Novel Track, you must have given feedback at two or more prior regular critique meetings, and after this, you also need to have had a story or chapter critiqued in one of the regular critique meetings.

This is to ensure that you are comfortable with both giving and receiving critical or constructive feedback, as well as gauging whether or not we are the right group for you. There’s no point sending your novel to a bunch of people if the style of feedback we give isn’t the kind you’re looking for!

Once you’ve attended two meetings and submitted your work, you can then fill out the Novel Track Interest Form that is available to members. We will either match you with an existing group in the Novel Track, or set up a new group once there is a critical mass of new members.

If you have any queries, please contact an organiser on Discord or by email.

Join Spectrum Writers

Come along to a first critique session and see if we’re the right fit for you!