Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We have the answers!

If you don’t see your question answered below, drop us a line through the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Do you meet online or in person?

We operate a hybrid model, using Discord for our online activities and meeting in pubs and other public venues in London when in person. Check out our events listings and see when you can next join us!!

Can I join if I am not based in London?

We welcome members from outside London and even outside the UK, as a lot of what we do can be accessed online. All our events are listed in GMT timezones, so if you are based outside the UK, please keep that in mind.

Can I send you my manuscript for feedback?

We do not run a beta-reader matching service, or accept unsolicited manuscripts for feedback. Our group is a community, and we expect members to engage with the group by attending meetings and providing feedback to others before seeking feedback on their writing. Read more here.

Is it free to join Spectrum?

Yes! We do not ever want to paywall the group, as we know that writers at the beginning of their careers are often strapped for cash, and need all the support they can get. We fundraise to cover the costs of running the group through selling tickets to special events, merchandise, and generous one-off or monthly donations from our members.

I write screenplays, can I still join?

We focus on the published format, so chiefly prose fiction in the forms of short stories, novelettes, novellas, and novels. While our members may be happy to workshop developmental edits with you, we are not a screenwriting group and therefore may not have the level of knowledge to provide useful feedback for your screenplay.

I am new and I can’t access the Members Area

We manually approve accounts to make sure we don’t get spam or malicious people joining the website. Please be patient with our volunteer organisers as they check through everything and accept your application – it shouldn’t take more than 3 days at most.

Can I promote my book/event to your members?

We do not accept unsolicited book promotions. If you are running an event, workshop, or festival and would like to offer our members a discount or free access, please contact our organising team through our contact form below.

When can I expect to join a Novel Track group?

We open the Novel Track when we have enough new members to form new groups. Check with one of the organisers on Discord directly for a status update once you are eligible.

Contact Form

Can’t find an answer to your query on the page above? Please send us a message via the form below and one of our organisers will be in touch.

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