2024 Short Story Contest Now Open!

Hear ye, hear ye! The 2024 edition of our Annual Short Story Contest is now declared open! A big thank you to Alex Forbes, winner of last year’s contest, for picking this great theme for us.

This year’s theme is…


As always, the word count limit is 5000, and we encourage you to write a new story to this call by the deadline, which is on the 15th November 2024.

Alongside our usual Portal Books vouchers for all first, second, and third place stories in all the voting categories and overall, the grand prize winner will receive a copy of Spec Fic for Newbies (Parts 1 and 2) by Tiffani Angus and Val Nolan, courtesy of Luna Press, and a critique of the winning story from Scott H. Andrews.

Full details of the rules, time frame, and prizes can be found on the members-only contest page here.

Happy writing – we can’t wait to see what you have in store!


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